I’m Not Perfect.

Becky Williamsmindset


I’m not perfect.


I trip over everything, spill my drinks, break stuff (including my french press this morning, waaahhh!), I fall going *up* the stairs, forget things (even if I was just told 20 seconds ago), walk into signs (this really did happen and I almost knocked myself unconscious), I’m crap at keeping in touch with friends and family, some of my projects are complete disasters, I run late more often than I would like, and I haven’t been to the gym in a while….


I screw things up.  There are times when I feel like I suck at life.


But through all the mindset work I’ve been doing with my coaches Jill Coleman and Maryalice Cassidy Goldsmith, as well as on my own, I’m criticizing myself a lot less.  I’m leaning into negative feelings, and then moving on to take action.


I’m appreciating my body more, even at a bigger size. I don’t take everything so personally.  I feel more confident.  I’m questioning my limiting beliefs and the stories I tell myself and creating new and expansive stories.


This ain’t small potatoes.  These are very hard-fought mental switches that I continue to work on every single day.  And one of the first things I had to do was get over myself.  Stop being such a perfectionist and letting it prevent me from moving forward.


This is why mindset work is so important, even if all you want to do is lose some weight or get in shape.  We all struggle with not feeling “good enough” in some area of our lives.  And we tell ourselves stories that keep us from actually achieving our goals.


Self-belief is the number one thing we need to achieve anything in life.  And when we tell ourselves stories like, “I always suck at sticking with a workout program” or “I hate exercising” or “I can’t eat healthy to save my life”, we’re setting ourselves up for failure.  That subconscious thought will always be there, sabotaging our best efforts, giving us an easy excuse to screw up.


So take some time today and write your thoughts down.  What stories are you telling yourself?  What can you tell yourself instead to nudge you closer to your goal(s)?