You’ve Gotta Have Faith

Becky Williamslifestyle, mindset


When we embark on a new journey, whether it’s something fitness-related or not, we are putting a lot on the line.  Our sense of self, our abilities, and sometimes our reputation.We are taking a chance that we could fail and make a ton of mistakes and let ourselves (and sometimes others) down. But we also could be successful and achieve something really awesome.

But we don’t know what the outcome will be with any certainty.

And this uncertainty brings to life a swarm of butterflies in our stomach and the racing of our hearts.  It can make us doubt ourselves at every turn and threatens our success.  This is where faith comes in.  Faith in ourselves, our program, in the process.


This is your choice.  You are in charge and have the power to make the rules for yourself.  But this is soooo hard, right?  And it’s perfectly normal and okay to feel despair and frustration at times.  It’s even okay to throw yourself a pity party every once in a while.  As long as you can pick yourself up, dust off the dirt, and get back to it.

Here are a few ways to cultivate faith:

Find Enjoyment in the Process.
Try new things until you find something that you really enjoy doing so that you can take your focus off the outcome.  When you like what you do, you’re more consistent (and happier).  And when you’re consistent, you rack up little wins that create momentum and confidence.

Give Thanks.  
Gratitude is “the gateway drug to awesomeness” according to Jen Sincero, author of You Are a Badass.  This is gratitude for where you’re at right now, as well as for what is to come.  My favorite way to do this is to do some journaling, listing at least 3 things that I’m grateful for each day, usually at night before bed.  Or just let it flow out in whatever form it comes, getting out all of the thoughts and feelings swirling around in your head.  Get it out on paper so it’s not driving you bonkers.  And you’ll see how awesome you are right this second, as is, and how far you’ve already come.

Visual Reminders.
Put up reminders that you are worthy right now, as is, and that the process works.  This can be a quote or phrase on a post-it on your bathroom mirror, on your computer, or in your planner.  A vision board can be helpful as well.  Whatever is going to motivate you to keep going and stay strong.

Create a Support System.  
Recruit a friend or family member or two to be your cheerleader when you need it most, or a shoulder to cry on if needed.  Sometimes we need to hear encouragement and validation from an outside source and to have our fears and doubts alleviated.

When we inevitably struggle along our journey, faith is the beacon that draws us onward.  But it needs to be cultivated and nurtured to be kept alive and strong.  No one is perfect and has unwavering faith and confidence all the time.  We all stumble and doubt ourselves from time to time, especially when we’re trying to level up in some way.  We have to call on every bit of inner strength and self-belief we have.

And have faith.

Just a reminder:  You are amazing.  And whatever situation comes up in your life, you’ve got this.

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